An enjoyable week – ROW80 report
I hit about 95% of my goal time last week, most of it on artwork. Still not quite to goal, but very close. And the best news is that I found the work very enjoyable, and I’m happy with the outcome.
I should have this picture done today, and there is more to do after that. But it’s interesting to discover that while sitting down to write still gives me that gnawing anxiety in my gut, these bits of artwork don’t trigger the same fear at all.
Still, I want to ease into the writing and see if I can get all these good feelings to spill over there as well. Maybe I can slowly lessen that stress response over time, by enjoying myself as I work. So I will add a potential sub-goal to my ‘one hour a day’ goal: to spend one of those sessions on a writing/editing task. Maybe I can pull that work back into the mix.
In the meantime, here’s the blog hop link for today’s ROW80 check-in. I hope everyone else is feeling good too.
95% is pretty good. Good luck this week.
Thanks, Fallon, and good luck to you as well!