Pushing on
I am very pleased with the week so far, especially since Mr. J is on his winter vacation which usually means I don’t want to work. But I’ve gotten 739 new words written this week, which means I only need 1634 more to make my goal for this Round of Words! They haven’t all been exciting words mind you, since this chapter is about houseplant bugs and diseases, but they are useful and they need to be written.
But for now, we’re taking the afternoon off to go see Mockingjay, and I look forward to goofing off.
Here again is the blog hop link for today’s check-in.
Nice to end Round 4 of ROW80 with a sense of optimism, with all in balance, good progress, and a bit of time off to enjoy Mockingjay! Congrats!
Thanks! I think this last week is going to end well and I’ll go into the holiday break having accomplished just what I set out to do.